Design, engineering and permitting for the redevelopment of a single family estate into eight townhouses in the Jamaica Plain neighborhood of Boston, MA. The project abuts Allandale Woods, an 86 acre woodland that is part of the Charles-to-Charles Open Space Corridor in the City. Due to the potential impact to conservation land and a newly imposed waterfront area under the Boston Wetlands Ordinance (triggered by an intermittent stream that is dry most of the year), the project required extensive review by the Boston Conservation Commission, the Boston Planning & Development Agency, Urban Wilds and the Friends of Allandale Woods. Multiple design modifications and stormwater management controls were adopted, permits obtained and approximately one acre of the property that abuts Allandale Woods has been permanently restricted as open space.
Design, permitting, engineering and construction oversight of a nine-lot open space residential subdivision in Rowley, MA. Established clustered subdivision with a unique town common area that preserved over 15 acres of open space. Stormwater controls were concentrated into two primary underground infiltration systems to preserve the wooded landscape. An alternative septic tank effluent gravity (STEG) collection system was designed and an alternative common septic system was designed and permitted under the town common area. The project is currently under construction.
Civil engineering, parking lot design and full permitting of the new 300 seat Eddie V's Restaurant in Burlington, MA. Project challenges included the complete redevelopment of an existing restaurant site over a contaminated plume of chlorinated solvents in close proximity to town protected aquifer. Stormwater management design required detention and off-site discharge with no infiltration and a reduction in peak flows. Existing restaurant building was demolished, existing stormwater best management practices (BMPs) were improved and overall impervious surface areas were reduced. Services include the preparation of an ALTA survey plan, a full set of civil design documents and construction oversight for Darden Restaurants, Inc.
Project management for the assessment and remedial monitoring of a hazardous vapor mitigation system for a 46 unit condominium project in Somerville, MA. Evaluated effectiveness of new passive venting system to replace existing active sub-slab depressurization system and eliminated the need to implement an activity and use limitation (AUL) to achieve a permanent solution under Chapter 21E and the Massachusetts Contingency Plan (MCP). Worked closely with Hartman Environmental Geoscience and Groundswell Technologies of California to continuously evaluate indoor air vapors with an onsite gas chromatograph. Established multiple lines of evidence to demonstrate passive system was adequately protecting public health, including building pressure modelling of sub-slab and indoor air spaces with compact digital barometric dataloggers.
Civil engineering and valet parking design of the new 250 seat Eddie V's Restaurant along Belividere Street at the Prudential Center in Boston, MA. Project challenges included site plan review with the Boston Planning and Development Agency, coordination of construction project over an underground parking garage with Boston Properties and maintaining pedestrian safety in a busy multimodal urban setting.
Resource area determination and evaluation of existing 6.5 acres of vacant land in Lexington, MA abutting significant town conservation lands. Evaluated all existing rights and potential uses necessary to achieve the highest and best use of the property.
Technical consultant for contract with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to develop a web based Leaking Underground Storage Tank Corrective Action Compendium. The purpose of the Compendium is to provide state and federal leaking underground storage tank (UST) remediation specialists with resources and information on UST issues and how to properly address leaks from USTs.
Stormwater recharge mitigation for church expansion in Boston's South End to infiltrate stormwater into the Groundwater Conservation Overlay District. The District was created under the Boston Zoning Code to allow stormwater to recharge the groundwater to protect wood pile supported buildings. Coordinated permitting through Boston Water and Sewer Commission.
Subdivision design and permitting for a new roadway and five lot subdivision in Marblehead, MA. The project required sensitive layout design and wetlands permitting in a well established neighborhood abutting conservation lands and a former municipal landfill. Coordinated review through the engineering department, planning board and conservation commission.
Project management for the remedial soil management of 5500 tons of soil transported off-site from a major retail gas operation in Randolph, MA. Coordinated release abatement measure, transported a majority of soil under MassDEP's similar soils provision guidance for reuse on another project, transported MCP impacted soil to an asphalt batch/cold mix facility for recycled asphalt use and achieved a permanent solution without conditions under Chapter 21E and the MCP.
Developed closure plan to site a 660,000 s.f. general mail facility and a 22,600 s.f. vehicle maintenance facility for the U.S. Postal Service on a former ash landfill in Brooklyn, NY. Plan involved capping the 35 acre site with a combination of pavement, concrete and geomembrane liner, along with an active sub-slab ventilation system, to ensure a safe working environment for postal workers and machinery. Developed operations and maintenance manual to provide for the proper functioning and maintenance of remediation controls.
Project review for the Saugus Conservation Commission. Reviewed the stormwater collection system design and hydraulic discharge from the 39 lot Birch Pond Drive subdivision. Coordinated neighborhood concerns of project impact with the Commission to control downgradient project impacts.
Project management for a due diligence environmental investigation of an industrial property along the banks of the Annisquam River in Gloucester, MA. Completed site assessment and permanent solution under Chapter 21E and permitted new concrete plant operation for air emissions discharge.
Project management for the removal oversight of USTs from a former gas station and automotive service facility across from the American Academy of Arts and Sciences on Beacon Street in Somerville, MA. Oversaw Limited Removal Actions and coordinated site development preparation for a new eight unit luxury townhouse project on the site.
Assessment, remediation and permitting support for the reuse of an industrial property in Salem, MA for a 120 unit residential apartment complex. Five USTs were removed from a six acre industrial site that supported a fleet of delivery trucks. Two of the USTs leaked, requiring soil removal oversight and the implementation of a groundwater pump and treat system. The vehicle maintenance area required both soil removal and groundwater treatment. Additionally, two limited removal actions were required for minor releases. Altogether, nearly 1500 tons of soil were recycled and three permanent solutions were achieved under Chapter 21E and the MCP.
Assessment, permitting, design and construction management of the municipal landfill closure for the town of Aquinnah (formerly known as Gay Head), MA on the island of Martha's Vineyard. The project was completed in time and under budget with an aggressive schedule imposed by the Town and the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP).
Project management and LSP-of-Record for the removal and permanent closure of 546 tons of PCB remediation waste from a commercial property in Middleton, MA. The work was performed and completed under TSCA and EPA’s self-implementing cleanup and disposal requirements under 40 CFR §761.61.
Project management and LSP-of-Record for the removal of two 10,000 gallon USTs at the Beverly High School. 56 tons of petroleum contaminated soil was removed and incinerated at an approved facility. Second phase of project involved the discovery of residual petroleum contamination from a separate source during a major expansion of the High School. Response action was completed in close cooperation with the Beverly Public Services and Engineering Department and CTA Construction. See A total of 1836 tons of petroleum contaminated soil was removed, recycled at an approved facility and a permanent solution was achieved.
Full permitting, design, engineering and construction management of the main 2500 foot access road for the Wampanoag Tribe in Aquinnah, MA known as Black Brook Road. Designed and implemented innovative stormwater controls to minimize stormwater quality discharge and impacts into Squibnocket Pond. Responsible for the permitting, filling and replication of 8500 square feet of wetlands that required approvals through the Aquinnah Conservation Commission, MassDEP, EPA and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
Project management and LSP-of-Record for the removal of 410 tons of metal contaminated soil from a former tannery in Salem, MA. The removal action limited excavation and cost through the field screening of metals using an x-ray fluorescence meter on site. A permanent solution with conditions was achieved with the filing of an AUL at the South Essex Registry of Deeds.
Assessment and closure analysis of the former Reed’s Brook landfill in Arlington, MA. The landfill was closed under careful supervision of town and state officials and redesigned into a passive recreational area called McClennen Park (named after former Planning and Community Development Director Alan McClennen who managed the project). Coordinated geophysical investigations, subsurface investigations, mapping and closure study report.
Engineering and permitting support for a new 18 hole municipal golf course for the city of Peabody, MA. The course is located within 400 acres of open space in the cities of Peabody and Salem. The project was led by the golf course architects Cornish, Silva & Mungeam of Uxbridge, MA with technical support being provided by Decoulos & Company, Sasaki Associates and GeoHydroCycle. The City received a $500,000 grant from the MA Division of Conservation Services and reused industrial land formerly owned by the Eastman Gelatine Corporation (a division of the Eastman Kodak Company). The project sought to preserve as much undisturbed land as possible, protect abutting public surface drinking water supplies and reuse brownfield land as part of a comprehensive passive recreational use for the area. See final use at:
Removal management of six USTs from a former estate in Canton, MA. Final report detailing activities prepared for the Massachusetts Audubon Society. The site was fully restored and a permanent solution was filed with MassDEP.
Site design and permitting of a shellfish hatchery and environmental lab in Aquinnah, MA. See Permitting involved coordination of approvals through Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs, MA Coastal Zone Management, a Chapter 91 waterways license, MassDEP, MA Division of Marine Fisheries, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Work was performed for the Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head (Aquinnah), a federally acknowledged Native American Indian Tribe. The Tribe challenged the Town's jurisdiction to permit the project and the matter was finally adjudicated by the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court. Building Inspector and Zoning Officer of Aquinnah et al. v. Wampanoag Aquinnah Shellfish Hatchery Corporation et al., 443 Mass. 1 (2004).
Permitting and design of a proposed 300,000 square foot retail shopping center in Peabody, MA. Coordinated approvals through the Massachusetts Environmental Policy Act (MEPA) Unit, the Massachusetts Department of Transportation and the Peabody Office of Community Development.
Project management for the preparation of a water quality assessment on 160 acres of land in Aquinnah, MA for the Wampanoag Tribe. The project, funded under a grant from EPA, examined background water quality, existing and proposed conditions of Tribal lands and their impact on groundwater quality, watershed analysis, and the development of a Non Point Source protection program to educate Tribal members on the importance of preserving existing water quality within an EPA designated sole source aquifer.
Project management and LSP-of-Record for the removal of 123 tons of LNAPL contaminated soil from a former machining operation in Middleton, MA. Twelve inches of Light Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid (LNAPL) were identified during a due diligence investigation in an area where prior work had allegedly achieved a permanent solution. The LNAPL impacted soil was excavated and transported to an approved facility for recycling. Confirmatory soil and groundwater allowed for a new permanent solution to be achieved.
Design and construction oversight of an upgraded septic facility for a 263 seat restaurant in West Yarmouth, MA. Upgrade performed while maintaining full operation of restaurant.